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MK Premier Boutique
MK Premier Boutique
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MK Premier Boutique

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MK Premier Boutique

MK Premier Hotel combines traditional culture and modern design, hosting 65 rooms uniquely designed to give an unexpected experience to Hanoi and its visitors a dynamic and unforgettable hospitality experience.  Ideally located at the heart of the beautiful and historic old quarter of Hanoi and Vietnam’s famous 36 streets, MK Premier hotel offers an atmosphere that is at once refined, remembered and inspires traditional Vietnamese style and old world sophistication.

Contact us for rates.

 Ideally located at the heart of the beautiful and historic old quarter of Hanoi and Vietnam’s famous 36 streets, MK Premier hotel offers an atmosphere that is at once refined, remembered and inspires traditional Vietnamese style and old world sophistication.

Our aim is to give a precious gift to “you” our guests: be part of the pride of our past and history in a unique designed environment, giving the exclusive occasion to discover a new reading of Vietnam’s traditional hospitality.

Full day
From 99 USD

Surround yourself in the rich history and breathtaking scenery of Vietnam. Step back through time at the ancient citadel of Hoa Lu, Vietnam's first capital. Cycle amongst the lime karsts and surrounding scenery. Then explore the spectacular scenery of Trang An complex, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

0 days
From 80 USD

The class is held at Old Hanoi - one of the very fine local restaurants in Hanoi - it is a culinary institution amongst locals, travelers and expatriates.

0 days
From 35 USD

Experience one of the world's greatest street food cities and unlock the hidden secrets of the Old Quarter and its cuisine. Sample authentic local dishes away from the tourist trail, hunkering down with the locals on the street at a variety of atmospheric food stalls.

Full day
From 72 USD

Explore the heart of Hanoi in this extensive city tour! Delve into the heart and history of Hanoi. Visit Hanoi's thousand year old university, Hanoi Hilton which used to be the infamous Hoa Lo Prison, the Sword Lake.

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★★★ - Standard
Authentic Hanoi Hotel is conveniently located at the edge of Hanoi\'s Old Quarter. This exclusive residence, the newest luxury 3-star plus hotel in Vietnam\'s capital, is unlike any other property in this dynamic city.
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Located in the heart of Hanoi, ancient Nam Ngu street , still keeps the beauty of an old Hanoi’s culture and image , on which Nam Ngu Hotel with over 60 spacious rooms in ancient Oriental-style design is appeared as an elegant and luxury pearl beauti
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Convenient located in the heart of Hanoi, The Palmy Hotel & Spa is only few steps away from the legendary Hoan Kiem Lake offering a great variety of tourist attractions, popular bars, refined restaurants, local cafes.
★★★★★ - Deluxe
A well known landmark in Hanoi's French Quarter, the Hilton Hanoi Opera Hotel stands majestically in the city's business district near Hoan Kiem Lake, the Old Quarter and the Opera House.
★★★ - Standard
Church Boutique Hang Gai is also popularly known in Hanoi as the silk shopper’s paradise. With an impressive range of shimmering scarves and stoles, finely tailored men’s and women’s clothes, heavily embroidered and sequined evening gowns, handbags,